An Example of how The Exodus Road lies to its donors.

Here is a post they made on The Exodus Road Facebook page on the 3rd of April 2024 – scroll down for the truth

Here is a link more lies from Laura and Matt Parker

and the text from the screenshot is below for search engine purposes

“3 girls are free from sex trafficking in Thailand, 2 traffickers were arrested using social media evidence!

Our recent freedom work in Thailand shows how social media can often be a double-edged sword — a tool for exploiting people and ultimately bringing that exploitation to an end.
Our investigators discovered a teenager being advertised for sexual services on X (formerly Twitter). Just 17 years old, her young age was touted as a selling point.
Working closely with law enforcement, our team went to work. They used those tweets as the starting place to build a comprehensive digital case that proved this teenager was being trafficked. This allowed police to remove her from the trafficking situation and arrest the adult who had been advertising her.
Around the same time, some of our investigative team deployed to an area where police had long suspected minors were sold for sex. They found two teenage girls working on the premises.
But they had to confirm that they were teenagers before law enforcement could act. Yet again including social media as part of their strategy, investigators used expert tactics to gather evidence proving that these girls they’d met were only 14 and 17 years old. Police were able to recover the girls and arrest the perpetrator.

All of these girls are in government care, being kept safe while they heal. Their stories prove that when it comes to sex trafficking, social media can both harm and help. Traffickers can use it — but so can we. And in these and many other cases, our use of these platforms led to freedom.”


Here is the truth.

The Exodus Road has been struggling in Thailand since the recent scandal, and a few of the directors, including Matt Parker are very likely to be arrested at some point when they return, so they have stopped trying to set up innocent bar owners and have been focusing on pretending to work and pretending to spend money in other countries.  Only Sona Long has remained in the country since they are being exposed in Thai and English by several ex-staff and victims of theirs.

The Exodus Road currently have only one staff in Thailand, how did they make these rescues?  They paid Thai police to say any arrests that they make to do with any underage, they have to pretend that The Exodus Road was part of the investigation, BUT the truth is that it saves TER lots of money to fill their back pockets by paying the police to say that they were part of the investigation, instead of paying staff to investigate real cases.  Thai police caught these people by themselves, so The Exodus Road made no difference in this case.  Laura and Matt Parker do not have any transparency and they don’t give anyone any details,  they just do this payment to police incase some legal investigation happens from USA, then they can say that they really have used donation money for good. (but they didn’t) we urge donors to ask questions.

Here is Matt Parker from The Exodus Road, pictured just before he paid Thai police to pretend that The Exodus Road is helping them in Thailand. and here is the link about the police man he paid being struck off for corruption charges.

Matt Parker donated large amounts of money to Big Joke and he has no legal explanation.

The Exodus Road make their followers believe that thousands of girls in Thailand are being trafficked, this is not true and its very bad for Thai people to be accused of these crimes and to be made look bad. Millions of Thai women and Asian women in Asia do sex work by their own free will.

The Exodus Road pay people to recruit young girls into sex work; they pick on vulnerable girls with no parents, and after the girl starts sex work, they call their paid police team in.  Then because the girl has been broken into sex work already and is happy to keep working; TER provide no aftercare, no opportunities are offered for the girls.  The Exodus Road just bribe police, pretend to investigate and cause innocent people to go to jail.  This is all for 3.5 million USD a year in donations, of which we estimate 800,000 USD a year benefits The Parker family.

Here are 30 problems that The Exodus Road needs to address.  Please ask them questions, please report them to authorities, if they have nothing to hide, they will start opening up. But they will never do that.

Please share our links and have a look through our site, we will stop this evil working together, it’s time to stop the silence and start asking questions.

Read how a director from TER raped a 15-year-old girl.

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