The Exodus Road Freedom Home Scam

Financial Discrepancies in The Exodus Road Freedom Home

One of our team members investigating The Exodus Road has noticed the costs for Thailand operations, which is $347,367 USD per year, and for the Freedom Home, which is $160,306 USD per year in Thailand. It’s not a coincidence that the costs are very high in the country where Matt Parker and Laura Parker mostly reside.

Audit Findings on The Exodus Road Freedom Home

The audit can be found by clicking here.

Freedom Home Costs

$160,306 USD per year for Freedom Home and $347,367 USD per year in Thailand for what?

Property Rent Costs in Thailand

Property Rent Costs

This sort of property costs 15,000 baht a month rent in that quiet location, which is around $433 USD a month.

The Exodus Road is claiming that this 3-bedroom property and staff costs them $160,306 USD per year when the staff bill is around $2,000 USD a month (4 staff), totaling $24,000 USD per year. Adding $500 USD a month for rent, electricity, and water—let’s say another $12,000 a year for food at maximum.

Where Does the Extra Money Go?

This amounts to around $48,000 USD per year in total costs (not $160,000 USD) for The Freedom Home.

Controversial Practices at The Exodus Road

Where does the rest of the $112,000 USD per year for Freedom Home go?

We spoke with other Christians in the Chonburi/Thailand area, and they were paid to take some women who were staying at Freedom Home for a few days (all over 18) to their Christian classes. The Exodus Road claims not to be religious but spends a lot of donation money on trying to convert Buddhist women who are weak and vulnerable into being Christians.

Christian Mentorship

They use donation money to get other Christians to be part of the mentorship, which is 100% Christian teachings. We were told this by people on the ground, and it is confirmed on their site.

Mentorship Program

The Mentorship program is purely trying to get people to become Christians. None of these women were trafficked or under 18.

The Exodus Road’s Spending on Missionary Work

As previous articles stated (What is The Exodus Road’s True Goal), they are spending lots of donors’ money on trying to influence women to become Christian, which is not what the donations are meant for. Even if you are a Christian donor, it’s not cool to be lied to about where your money is going.

Lavish Lifestyle

In addition to $160,306 USD spent per year in Thailand on Christian missionary work and Matt/Laura’s lavish $278,000 USD salary lifestyle, they also spend $347,267 USD a year visiting bars and brothels in Thailand doing undercover work, possibly spending most of that on a lavish lifestyle. They do not have any costs apart from paying corrupt officials (allegedly) to set people up, and there are no undercover costs apart from operatives needing cash to “get to know” the ladies, while working illegally. Thai police have promised to investigate soon.

Someone needs to investigate why $160,306 USD and $347,267 USD are being dumped into Thailand, and why no one is truly being rescued with no aftercare—just nights out for the undercover operatives, free sex, expensive meals, and first-class flights.

Call to Action

Look at the millions spent on professional services, flights, travel, entertainment, and salaries to see where the money is being used for lavish lifestyles, anti-prostitution campaigns, and trying to convert Buddhist women to Christianity. This is NOT being spent on real human trafficking issues; help us report them today. While some people do not agree with prostitution, the money should be used for what it says it’s being used to fix. (Shouldn’t be spent on setting up innocent bar owners by paying cashiers to bring in underage girls using someone else’s ID)

Expenditure on Professional Services

Further Reading